Setting Goals isn’t about choosing between a diet and celebrating with family & friends, it’s about making a lifestyle change. It is not about deprivation; it’s about making choices and having a balance.
When we set goals, often things get in our way like something else always seems more important or we put ourselves last. Do you get pushed or do you push yourself to the bottom of the list? Does this sound familiar? are you self-sabotaging your own self care?
Does this sound familiar? You’re about to go to the gym and what your brain loads up is; I’m busy l should just keep working or I need to make dinner for the family, I should clean my office instead, or it’s raining and I didn’t bring my umbrella, or I’ll go another day. Well, when we put ourselves last, were not doing our self or our loved ones any good especially if were sick or broken down.
Why we fail is attributed to Self-Sabotage and it can come from two directions:
- External: The behavior of your friends, coworkers, colleagues, and family
- Internal: Your own inner rebellion.
You know sometimes, other people that watch you venture into this healthier lifestyle may make comments about it or even rebel against you. You may notice that some people who are close to you feel threatened
The reality is that most if not all of us look for acceptance from others…. from our family, friends, colleges. Why? We crave expectance, its socially responsible or sometimes it’s just easier to give in than it is to explain ourselves. We have all been there, I know I have.
Have you ever been invited to a dinner party or event and you didn’t really want to indulged but your pressured, it becomes awkward and you finally cave? At times it’s easier to give in then explain ourselves or our diets. Ask yourself… Is it possible that keeping the weight on has a positive intention for you? are you putting yourself last?
Are you Sabotaging yourself as a reward and punish system? “I’ve been good, I deserve a little extra.” If this, is you, you will reward yourself for “good” behaviors and punish yourselves for “bad” behavior? This always makes me curious to know what they do when they feel they’ve been “bad?” Typically, it’s around depriving yourself of something, well guess what, it doesn’t last or work.
My Advice
- Become hyper-aware of any temptation to derailment or sabotage.
- Remember losing weight or feeling great does not include deprivation.
- Small steps in the right direction will deliver big results
- It’s about setting up conditions for inevitable success
- Have someone to keep you accountable, direct and applaud you.
If you would like to discover more about you and your health or discuss your goals. I’m offering a 1 on 1 session geared to you, just connect with me.