Food is more than simply fuel, its has energetic qualities that are beyond the science of calories, fats, grams and nutrient values.
I’m often asked, why do I crave I crave sugar? Besides it tastes good, sugar creates serotonin the feel-good chemical. So, you can say that something that is bad for us makes us feel so good.
But the reason we actually crave sugar in the first place are associated with activities that work against us.
- Working too much
- Partying or a heavy social calendar
- Not getting enough sleep
- Stress
If you don’t allow yourself to relax, then you will find yourself bigging on comfort foods like chocolate, breads, desserts or alcohol. What you need to know is that your body is begging for a break, like sleep, meditation, walks etc.
What you should know; is that products containing lots of sugar usually don’t contain lots of fiber, healthy fat, or proteins the key ingredient to slow down the sugar absorption.
8 Solutions to kick sugar
- Check your beverages, not only for the obvious sugars but the hidden sugars
- Satisfy your sweet tooth with sweat veggies, fruits, & spices.
- Sleep, lack of sleep will also increase the hormone ghrelin which is known as the hunger hormone
- Check your protein, balance your meals with protein, health fats, and fiber. This will stabilize your blood sugar levels.
- Sniff out low fat or fat free foods. This doesn’t mean it’s sugar free.
- Commit yourself to movement
- Set new post meal rituals
- Drink water
If you would like to discover more about you and your health or discuss your goals. I’m offering a 1 on 1 session geared to you, just connect with me.